Celebrate Women’s History Month at National Museum of Women in the Arts

unnamed-28.jpgSpring Calendar of Events and Celebration of Women’s History Month
at National Museum of Women in the Arts
Programs and Exhibitions from March–May 2018

The National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) is pleased to present a wide range of exhibitions and programs, including workshops, films and gallery talks related to the exhibition Women House and the much raved about and in demand “Fierce Women” tour. Additional Women’s History Month highlights include the #5WomenArtists social media campaign and a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon.

The first Sunday of every month is a Community Day with free admission to the public. The information below is current as of January 2018. To find out more, visit the museum’s online calendar.

Daily in March on Social Media
Can you name five women artists? Many people can’t. If you can, it probably takes you much longer to think of five female artists than five male artists. Join us in a campaign to increase gender parity in the arts in by using #5WomenArtists to share important contributions by women artists on social media. Share your #5WomenArtists answers on Instagram and Twitter and tag @WomenInTheArts and include #5WomenArtists. Free. No reservations required.

Family Day: Women’s History Day at DAR Museum
Saturday, March 3, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.

Note: This program takes place at the DAR Museum at 1776 D Street, NW.
Celebrate Women’s History Month at the DAR Museum. Join us to recognize powerful American women who left their mark on history. Come learn more about your favorite heroines and discover some new faces as well. Stop by NMWA’s station at DAR to learn about American women artists through hands-on activities. Free. No reservations required. For more information, visit https://www.dar.org/museum/education/calendar-event.

Exhibition Opening Party: Women House
Thursday, March 8, 7:30–11 p.m.
Join us to celebrate International Women’s Day and the opening of the special exhibition Women House! Questions about a woman’s “place” resonate in our culture, and conventional ideas persist about the house as a feminine space. This new exhibition forms a sequel to the famous project called Womanhouse, developed in 1972 by Judy Chicago and Miriam Schapiro. Similar to their artistic foremothers in the 1970s, the global artists in Women House recast conventional ideas about the home through provocative photographs, videos, sculptures and room-like installations. Enjoy a first look at the exhibition, behind-the-scenes tours, an open bar and light refreshments. For additional information, visit https://nmwa.org/events/opening-party-women-house. $40 general; $30 members. Reservations required. Reserve online.

Wikipedia Edit-a-thon 2018
Saturday, March 17, 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
In honor of Women’s History Month, the Betty Boyd Dettre Library and Research Center will host its fifth Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon. Join a movement that has involved over 7,100 people, more than 480 events, and the creation and improvement of more than 11,000 Wikipedia articles. No experience necessary. All you need is a laptop, motivation to combat gender bias and a belief in equal access to quality information resources. Free. Registration required. For a schedule and more information, visit https://nmwa.org/events/wikipedia-edit-thon-2018.

RIGHTING THE BALANCE III: Can there be gender parity in museums?
Sunday, March 18, 4:30–6 p.m., followed by Sunday Supper, 6–8 p.m.
The third annual “Righting the Balance” Fresh Talk explores whether true gender parity in museums is possible. Museums across Europe including the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Tate Modern in London, and the Musée d’Orsay in Paris are committing to presenting works by women artists and highlighting the contributions of women artists who have traditionally been overlooked. What do these changes mean, and how will they be sustained? What is the impact on institutions and audiences? Laurence des Cars, director of the Musée d’Orsay, Paris; Frances Morris, director, Tate Modern, London; and Eike Schmidt, director, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, address these questions and more. $25 general; $20 members, seniors, students. Reservations required. Reserve online.

NMWA Nights: Welcome to Our House
Wednesday, March 28, 6–8:30 p.m.
Tap into your feminist side during this crafty happy hour event. Try your hand at subversive crafts inspired by Women House, enjoy comfort food-inspired snacks and delicious drinks, and take themed tours of the special exhibition and museum’s collection. $25 general or, at the door, donate new personal or household items (at least a $20 value per attendee). All proceeds benefit Washington, D.C., homeless and low-income women served by N Street Village. Check out N Street Village’s Amazon Wish List for acceptable donations. Reservations recommended. Register online. Admission fee or donation includes two drink coupons and all craft materials. This event is 21+. IDs will be checked at the door.

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